Simple Tactics to Ace ICSE and CBSE Boards Exams

Feb 10, 2024

Thomas Edison once said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” This quote resonates, especially when it comes to preparing for ICSE school (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) or CBSE school (Central Board of Secondary Education) board exams. It reminds us that success is not just about genius; it comes from working hard and being consistent.

As students gear up for these exams, the journey might seem challenging. However, fret not! With a few simple tactics, you can work through the study process smoothly and confidently.

Study Schedule

To do well in exams, know your syllabus and create a smart study plan. The syllabus is your roadmap, guiding you through the topics you need to tackle. Your study schedule is a compass, helping you navigate your learning journey effectively.

Time Management

Managing time is a top priority for students gearing up for exams. It’s about consciously planning and dividing your time among different tasks to ensure you’re productive and keep your study routine in balance.

A student who doesn’t manage time well finds themselves studying all subjects at the last minute, leaving them tired, with less info sticking, and feeling super stressed. Whereas, a student who plans their study sessions carefully, dedicating specific times for each subject heads into exams confidently. Nailing time management means breaking study sessions into smaller parts, setting clear goals, and using tools like planners to track progress.

Study Techniques

Making use of effective study techniques is a smart move for understanding, remembering, and using what you learn way better, whether it’s for board exams or any time you’re being assessed. 

Think about a student who sticks to just one way of studying, like reading and highlighting notes. While it might work for some, others might find visual aids more helpful. But a student who uses different effective study techniques, making colourful mind maps, using flashcards for quick reviews, and joining study groups. This flexible approach makes studying more fun and gives a wholesome and better understanding of the subjects.

For parents and students in Electronic City, Bangalore, navigating the educational landscape can be challenging. However, many reputable schools in South Bangalore excel in providing a dynamic learning environment. These institutions, particularly the top schools in Electronic City, boast experienced educators and modern facilities. They employ comprehensive study techniques, enabling students not only to excel in exams but also to thrive in a variety of extracurricular activities that go beyond traditional academics.

Guidance and Practice

Getting advice from teachers and doing self-assessment are like the solid base of a strong building. This gives students really useful insights, support, and a better grip on their strengths and weaknesses.

A student who only sticks to textbooks and doesn’t receive guidance from teachers might have a tough time with some ideas and miss out on some really good tips. However, a student who actively talks to teachers, asks questions and gets clarification utilises the teacher’s expertise. This well-rounded approach to really understand what they’re learning and self-assessing makes sure exam preparation is effective.

Good Health and Positive Mindset

Taking care of your health and keeping a positive mindset is a big deal when getting ready for ICSE or CBSE board exams. It seriously affects how well you can focus and handle your studies.

Consider a student who forgets about their health during exams, skipping proper meals and compromising on sleep to study more. Even though they’re putting in tons of effort, they might end up tired and stressed, unable to concentrate. Now, consider a student who gets enough sleep, eats well, and takes short breaks for exercise during their study time. This student is more likely to tackle their studies with a clear mind and more endurance.

Preparing for board exams can be a stressful task for many students. To support them on this journey, a few top schools in South Bangalore offer personalised guidance. By providing one-on-one counselling, custom study plans, and stress management techniques, the best CBSE schools ensure that students are well-prepared not just academically, but also emotionally and physically.


Regular revision not only helps understand things better but also makes sure you remember them for the long haul. It fights against the forgetting curve, which is when you start forgetting stuff if you don’t go over it again. 

Picture a student who studies one subject for hours in one go, thinking that’s enough to nail it. But as the exam gets closer, they struggle to remember details and feel super stressed. In comparison, a student who sets aside short, regular times for review in their study plan keeps going over what they learned before, making the information stick better.

CBSE schools in Bangalore focus on making sure students stay on top of their syllabus through regular revision. The top ranked CBSE schools in Bangalore don’t just teach new topics; they also ensure students revisit and retain what they have learned. This helps students understand concepts better, remember them longer, and feel more confident in their studies.

Utilise Online Resources

Using online resources is a smart way to make your learning experience better, especially when gearing up for exams. It’s about making the most of the tons of educational content available on the internet. 

For instance, take a student getting ready for board exams who sticks only to textbooks and class notes. Those are good, but they might be missing out on the interesting finds online. On the flip side, take a student who digs into online resources, finding educational websites, video tutorials, and interactive platforms. By adding these into their study routine, they make learning more interesting and effective.

Preparation for ICSE and CBSE school board exams does not have to be overwhelming. With a well-structured study plan, effective time management, and a positive mindset, you can confidently tackle these exams. Remember, success is not just about the destination but the journey of growth and learning along the way. Good luck!

The best CBSE schools in Bangalore, particularly the top CBSE schools in Electronic City, stand out not only for their academic excellence but also for their innovative approaches to inclusive education. These schools in Electronic City Phase 1 recognise the diverse learning needs of their student body, offering special classes for students who may find themselves lagging behind in the syllabus. Many top schools in Bangalore even use online educational resources to help students understand complex topics more clearly.