Screen Time Management

Mar 6, 2024
Health & Wellness
“All watch and no play, makes jack a dull boy”

Sounds new, isn’t it? But apparently it is true!

In recent research published in the JAMA Paediatrics, an American Journal, it was found that in the wake of the pandemic, there has been a 52 percent increase in children's screen time worldwide. Moreover, passive screen time, particularly favoured by those who enjoy binge-watching TV shows, is identified as the least beneficial form of screen engagement. The research also revealed that prolonged screen exposure contributes to emotional dysregulation and has detrimental impacts on the academic performance of students in subjects such as mathematics and literacy.

Disheartening, isn’t it? You might wonder if this would be the end of your child watching their favourite Tom & Jerry or Chotta Bheem. Worry not! The studies mentioned above solely indicate the effects of prolonged and uncontrolled screen time, which in-turn affects the health of the child negatively. This can be easily overcome if you know how to help your child manage their screen time. Come along with us to find how to do it!

Learn the art of balance!

There are numerous advantages to allowing technology use in young children and it can be harnessed well if you strike the right balance. Once your child surpasses the age of two, it is acceptable to permit limited screen time—consider up to one hour per day—for activities like playing with tablets and phones. This can aid in the development of coordination, enhance quick reactions, and even improve language skills.

Similar to other toys and tools provided to our growing children, the use of smartphones should be moderated and never replace human interaction and real-world experiences. Regularly powering off devices is crucial to help your child understand the differences between the virtual and real worlds.

Also how about setting some ground rules like not to use our devices while eating? Or dedicate an entire day to digital detox by indulging in offline after-school activities.  

Some of the best schools in Bangalore teach children about the advantages of regulated screen time to maintain a tech-life balance

Have a conversation with your child to help them understand the risks

You can assist them in steering clear of mindless scrolling and instilling a sense of understanding of the media they consume and the platforms they engage with. Encourage exploration of apps and websites that complement their real-world interests and foster essential skills. Utilise both free and premium tools available to manage your child's access to age-appropriate content and monitor the time spent on specific online activities, regardless of the device they use.

As your children become more involved in online activities, engage in regular conversations with them about addressing various risks, such as encountering inappropriate content or facing cyberbullying. Ensure they are aware of when and where to seek help if needed, and familiarise them with the tools they can use to address such situations.

Also good schools near Electronic City are even training students to excel with limited internet access to ensure they build strong skills for a successful future.

Time for teachers to explore the SAMR model!

Dr. Ruben Puentedura's SAMR model provides an important framework for assessing the thoughtful use and amalgamation of digital media and technology in an educational setting. SAMR, an acronym for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition, offers a structured approach. In the transition to online teaching, educators frequently concentrate on the initial two levels, which entail substituting traditional materials with digital counterparts. This can involve tasks such as transforming lessons and worksheets into PDFs for online distribution or recording video lectures to facilitate learning at different speeds for different students.

Ekam Institutions, one of the best CBSE schools in Electronic city, follows this method of teaching for early learners.

Managing screen time for learning

Studies revealed that screen time dedicated to educational purposes yields the greatest advantages, positively influencing children's perseverance and academic achievements without notable impacts on their health. Besides clearly understanding the purpose behind using a screen, it's important to assess whether it genuinely enhances learning outcomes. There are situations where a paper-based learning, such as for illustrating a mathematical model, may be more effective than using a screen.

 Conversely, if the goal is to efficiently gather and document data, opting for a screen might be more appropriate. So, once you understand the kind of learning you want to impart to the students, it will be easier to resort to the appropriate method.

There are several schools in Electronic City that offer alternatives to screen-based activities, showing students the importance of a balanced lifestyle.

Avoid creating an appeal on screen time

The temptation to utilise screen time as a tool for managing a child's behaviour is significant and more prevalent, given its ability to get an immediate positive response. Nevertheless, this approach may inadvertently lead to a prolonged increase in overall screen usage. For instance, using screen time as a reward for positive behaviour or withdrawing it as a consequence for negative behaviour can instil an increased value for screen time in children, potentially fostering a greater desire for increased screen exposure.

It is true that parents and teachers wield significant influence in directing their children's media consumption. Granting children and adolescents opportunities to engage with their surroundings apart from screen-centric devices fosters active play, nurtures creativity, and contributes to the cultivation of healthy behaviours both presently and in the future.

At Ekam School, we prioritise a balanced educational approach, focusing on both academic excellence and responsible digital usage. As one of the distinguished CBSE schools in Bangalore, we ensure a controlled online environment through monitoring internet use, setting technology guidelines, and managing digital activities. Join us for an education that transcends traditional academics and prepares you for the future. Enrol now for a holistic learning experience!